This Week in Exhibit Industry News

If you define a truly great show by its ability to bounce back after adversity, the National Restaurant Association Show (NRA Show) certainly qualifies for that status. Last July, they lost 8 percent of their already-reserved exhibitors after being forced to switch dates at McCormick Place to accommodate the NATO Summit. The show concluded earlier this month with a 6 percent increase in attendees, as well as an increase in exhibit space sold. For a lighthearted Top Ten list of NRA Show highlights, here’s an article from a food blogger.

But it’s not just B2B trade shows that are showing increases this year. IAEE has released a report on consumer shows which indicates that 66 percent of public show organizers are optimistic about results in 2012. Both revenue and attendance numbers show improvements, as well as the net square feet of exhibit space. Two categories that seem to be the most upbeat about recovery are women’s and automotive shows. To view more statistics from the survey, check out this article from EXPO.

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