Should You Rent Your Next Exhibit?

Sometimes it doesn’t make sense to buy an entirely new exhibit display. Perhaps you decide to exhibit at a new show and need a different size booth than usual, or maybe you simply want to test out a fresh design.

Before buying a new display, consider how long or how often you plan to use it. Then calculate your cost per show. Factor in some of the “hidden costs” of ownership, which include: I&D expenses (how much labor is required to set it up), shipping (weight and bulk), storage, and costs for cleaning and refurbishing. These can total 20 percent or more of the original exhibit cost … per year! So what can you do?

Enter exhibit rentals. And no, they’re no longer fuddy-duddy, boring flat walls where the only customization is your graphic swapped in for the last client. These days, rentals are stylish, curved designs that give the appearance of a custom exhibit. You can also rent accessories like workstations and iPad kiosks as well.

Take a look at these stylish examples from our sponsor, Classic Exhibits:

To view a portfolio with these and other rental designs, visit the Classic Rental Solutions Gallery.

So how do you know whether to rent or buy your next booth? If you have a one-time scheduling conflict or need a special booth size for a certain show, renting is a good alternative. Also if you want to test out a new design or your company is going through an “image transition,” you should opt to rent instead of buying a booth you may not use again. But if you find yourself renting more than three or four times a year, it might be to your advantage to go ahead and buy a new display.

(Portions of this article excerpted from Build a Better Trade Show Image © 2002 by Marlys Arnold)

Exhibit Design That WorksStop wasting money on displays that aren’t effective!

Inside this guide, you’ll discover how to avoid the most common – and not always obvious – mistakes in exhibit design. Create a multisensory experience that exceeds expectations and connects with attendees.









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