Weekly Insights: Want to Connect with Attendees? Create an Experience!

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The idea of creating an experience on the show floor is nothing new. I’ve been encouraging both exhibitors and show organizers to focus on doing that since the turn of the century. In fact in Exhibit Design That Works, I’ve devoted one entire section (four chapters) to creating multisensory experiences.

Now the folks at Freeman have released a new report on creating brand experiences, based on their 2017 Global Brand Experience Study. It states that only one out of four marketers are tapping into all five senses with their marketing, and few are taking advantage of numerous interactive technologies available, such as interactive touch screens or gamification. An exception to this is in Asia, where marketers are embracing technology and sensory interaction.

TSNN has a summary of the report, or you can request a copy of the full report from the Freeman website.

Exhibit Design That WorksStop wasting money on displays that aren’t effective!

Inside this guide, you’ll discover how to avoid the most common – and not always obvious – mistakes in exhibit design. Create a multisensory experience that exceeds expectations and connects with attendees.









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