“GPS Your Exhibit Marketing”

GPS-graphic-newYou’ve been plugging away at your exhibit marketing … you’ve been pushed and prodded to improve on current results and you’re exhausted. You’re spread far too thin — with budget, time & resources — and you feel like you’re constantly falling behind, trying so hard to keep up with the logistics of exhibiting that you miss the strategies which can increase your results dramatically. But before you throw up your hands in frustration, what if you could get a strategic roadmap together … and the only cost is an hour of your time?

That’s exactly what you’ll learn to create in the “GPS Your Exhibit Marketing” webinar! When you set out on a long-distance road trip to a place you’ve never been before, odds are you don’t just jump behind the wheel and start driving. Instead, you probably study a map or program your destination into your GPS System. So why not create a GPS to guide you in your exhibit marketing?



“Busting the Myths of Exhibitor Education & Why Show Organizers Should Care”

Exhibitor Education EquationIn virtually every industry there are a wealth of opportunities for continuing education — in fact, it’s a primary focus of any association conference. Yet the CEIR report “How the Exhibit Dollar is Spent” states that only 1 percent of an average trade show budget is spent on educating exhibitors, even though a different CEIR study states that trained exhibitors are 68 percent more effective. So why all the disconnect over education?

In this webinar hosted by TSNN.com show organizers & exhibitors will learn:

• Who needs exhibitor education and why (it may not be who you think)
• What exactly that education should include
• Who’s using exhibitor education effectively (and how they’re doing it)
• How to begin implementing education for your upcoming shows

Featuring guest panelists: Kelly Faist from Pack Expo & Tom Carbott from MHI, who produces the ProMat and MODEX shows

To view the free replay of this webinar, click here.


“3 Keys to Become Your Exhibitors’ Hero”
(mini-webinar for show managers)

Hero-titleslideEver wish you could read exhibitors’ minds?
What do they want most … but aren’t likely to tell you?

In this 10-minute webinar, you’ll learn how to develop your super powers to amaze your exhibitors by:

  • Giving both them and your attendees exactly what they want
  • Simplifying the exhibit manager’s work life
  • Helping them see what they’re missing
  • Keeping them coming back for more

Contact us to request access to this mini-webinar. As a bonus, you’ll also find out how to get a complimentary Exhibitor Engagement & Retention Evaluation.


“Trade Shows: What Matters in 2014 – Keeping Your Audience Engaged”

What Matters-Keeping Audience Engaged.001For years, people have been saying that trade shows are dying due to technology and online networking. But show after show is proving, in the words of Mark Twain, “The report of my death is an exaggeration.” Face-to-face connections are becoming even more important in our digitally-connected world, but it’s time for conventions and trade shows to be reinvented for a tech-savvy, global audience whose attention span is down to mere seconds.

In this free webinar hosted by TSNN, you’ll discover tips & trends for:

  • Creating a year-round community vs. a one-week event
  • Tapping into the power of crowdsourcing and curated content
  • Using interactive technology (including mobile apps, wearable gadgets & augmented reality)

Gain a fresh perspective on trade shows, what matters & where we’re going from here!

To view the free replay of this webinar, click here.


“Show Managers are from Neptune, Exhibitors are from Pluto”

Neptune-PlutoAs a show manager, do you sometimes feel like exhibitors come from another planet … or solar system? If you’ve ever wondered why communication between these two parts of the exhibiting universe seems to require the ability to speak a foreign language, then grab this free replay of the “Show Managers are from Neptune, Exhibitors are from Pluto” webinar and learn how to build a better relationship with exhibitors to create a more successful show.