The 9th Global Barometer Survey came out this week from UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, and the news is good. The worldwide study conducted last month showed that although the global economy is still a bit shaky, the trade show industry is holding steady. The bi-annual study included members from 61 countries and shows that six out of 10 companies have reported an increase in their revenue for the last three years, with slightly slower revenue growth in Asia/Pacific and the Americas. To download the report, go to the UFI website.
In show news, the Motivation Show will make its Las Vegas debut in January of 2014, when it combines with the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) show at Mandalay Bay Convention Center. The Motivation Show has a long history in Chicago as the event for incentives, recognition awards, loyalty programs, and motivational meetings. The Chicago show will continue to feature an exhibit hall of incentive merchandise and experiential reward suppliers, but will move from fall dates to May in 2014.

For all those frequent fliers … ABC News has compiled a list of the 10 Scariest U.S. Airports. Would you agree with their choices? So, once you’ve survived that scary landing, would you pay to get off the plane faster? It seems like that might be the next fee that airlines will be adding. And if you’ve been meaning to return those items you’ve discovered around the house that were ‘borrowed’ from a hotel room … the famous Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York has a deal for you! If you have items that are dated between 1931 and 1960, the hotel is offering an amnesty program through Sept. 15 because they’d like to gather more items for their archives.