This week’s ExpoChat was on the topic of mindfulness and how expos can provide opportunities for attendees to find quiet space for processing all the info that’s bombarding them. Some of the ideas discussed included morning yoga sessions, creating “whitespace” for attendees to breathe (idea from @pcmaHQ via @TSNN_Rachel), using an idea journal, building in additional time between sessions, and more. (The transcript of this chat has been removed from the Web – sorry!)
The prevailing thought is that often conference and trade show organizers are so focused on packing every possible activity into the schedule that they don’t allow enough time for attendees to recharge and absorb what they’re learning. I know there have been times when I had to make the tough decision to skip a mid-day activity in order to catch my breath enough to make it through the rest of the schedule. (Caught a bit of flack for that on the discussion, but come on … I know I’m not alone.)
Tying in with the idea of breathing room, check out this slide show on BizBash to discover some great ideas from the TED Conference on how to create an inspiring atmosphere, including: a ball pit lounge, warming huts, a picnic lunch, and more.
So how do you handle dealing with conference overload, either as the show organizer or as an exhibitor or attendee? Have you found techniques that work? If so, please share in the comments below.