How do you find out about great books? If you’re like me, you often have friends who are raving about them. Once in awhile, it seems like you’re hearing about them everywhere you go. Two of these three titles are like that for me. The first one, Pop!, was first referred by a friend on Facebook, but soon I began seeing it mentioned all over the place. Once I took time to check it out, I discovered why. The second book, Imagine, was also suggested by numerous people before I took a look. And the third book, while not yet getting quite the buzz of the other two, just intrigued me from the beginning … Come Together: The Business Wisdom of the Beatles. Whether you love ’em or hate ’em, you’ve got to admit that no other music group has enjoyed quite the same level of success, so why not learn from their experiences?
Pop! – Create the Perfect Pitch, Title & Tagline for Anything
by Sam Horn
Exhibitors know they have to make their booth attractive to attendees. This book offers a plethora of ways to make your message incredibly appealing, including how to mix metaphors and use curiosity to your advantage. With behind-the-scenes secrets of why certain brands and slogans work, author Sam Horn gives you plenty of ideas that will make your exhibit — and all of your marketing — stand out.
Imagine: How Creativity Works
by Jonah Lehrer
Have you ever felt frustrated in your creative process, either with your exhibit plan or marketing in general? Author Jonah Lehrer demonstrates that frustration is a normal part of the creative process, and sometimes the biggest breakthroughs come right after a major block. The book is full of examples from Bob Dylan to brain research that demonstrates how the creative process works. If you’ve ever used the excuse that you’re just not creative, this book will bust that excuse wide open!
Come Together: Business Wisdom from the Beatles
by Richard Courtney & George Cassidy
They were the first ‘boy band’ who had a career of ups and downs, but still manage to have an influence on pop music, even today. This book shares a history of the Beatles in 100 short chapters. Each one revolves around a particular business topic, from leadership to branding to staying focused. Could your exhibit marketing team gain insights from the boys of Liverpool? Consider it “Getting by with a little help from your friends!”
So what’s on your summer reading list? Please share in the comments below. (Note: We had to close comments, due to a deluge of robot-induced inappropriate junk that wasn’t getting caught by filters. So please share your comments on the Facebook fan page instead. Sorry for the inconvenience … hopefully it’s only temporary.)
© 2012 Marlys K. Arnold (from the June 2012 TradeShowTips Online. To receive tips like this in your inbox every month, please take a moment to fill out this request.)
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