Free Webinar: “Busting the Myths of Exhibitor Education & Why Show Organizers Should Care”

ExhibitorEducationEquationIn virtually every industry there are a wealth of opportunities for continuing education – in fact, it’s a primary focus of any association conference. Yet the CEIR report “How the Exhibit Dollar is Spent” states that only 1 percent of an average trade show budget is spent on educating exhibitors, even though a different CEIR study states that trained exhibitors are 68 percent more effective.

So why all the disconnect over education?

In this free webinar hosted by TSNN on April 17 at 1 PM (Eastern Time), show organizers and exhibitors will learn:

  • Who needs exhibitor education and why (it may not be who you think)
  • What exactly that education should include
  • Who’s using exhibitor education effectively (and how they’re doing it)
  • How to begin implementing education for your upcoming shows
Moderated by Marlys Arnold, along with guest panelists:
Kelly Faist from Pack Expo & Tom Carbott from MHI, who produces the ProMat and MODEX shows

Sponsored by OnStream Media

(Click here to register, which is recommended even if you cannot make the live date – all registered attendees will receive a complimentary copy of the recording e-mailed to them after the webinar.)


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