Weekly News & Insights: Industry Trends & Tools

Graphic: Digital Juice
Graphic: Digital Juice

At a recent industry event, Brian Casey, CEO of the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR), shared trends from the latest CEIR Index Report. Here are a few of them:

  • There’s been a shift from “mega-shows” to more intimate events.
  • Exhibitors want quality over quantity when it comes to attendees and results.
  • Show organizers need to remember they’re in the relationship business and reach out more to exhibitors and attendees.
  • Shows should focus on creating revenue streams beyond simply selling exhibit space.

To read an expanded summary of Casey’s presentation, visit the article on TSNN. One other point he made was to focus on how to integrate technology into shows. There’s definitely no shortage of options to choose from! Here are a few recent ones of note:

  • The Convention Industry Council is releasing a new app for iOS and Android this month for event organizers called the Pocket Planner. It will include a calculator function to recommend quantities for food and beverage, safety (fire extinguishers and exits), and staffing. To learn more about this free app, visit the CIC website.
  • Looking for a resource for crowdfunding your event? How about a way to share presentation slides or event videos? Julius Solaris from the Event Manager Blog has a list of six up-and-coming tech startups to check out.
  • If you’re in the trade show and convention business, chances are that you’ve spent a few nights in a hotel recently, and you’re probably also carrying a app-enabled device. This month, Marriott Hotels rolls out two new features aimed at the mobile-savvy traveler. LocalPerks will use iBeacon technology to send property-specific deals to guests using push notifications. FlashPerks will allow members to turn reward points into VIP experiences (such as test-driving a Lamborghini). Earlier this year Marriott also launched PlusPoints, which allows members to earn Rewards for posting tweets, checking in via Facebook, or sharing Instagram posts. Odds are that other major hotel chains won’t be far behind.
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