Weekly Insights: Why Attendees Will Come Back to Trade Shows

If you’ve been wondering if attendees will come back to trade shows, now that they’ve been introduced to digital marketing methods – worry no more!

Shows that have been held recently, while seeing a drop in overall attendance, are seeing those who do attend are eagerly there to do business. (You might say this is a good thing because it eliminates those attendees who were just wasting exhibitors’ time anyway.)

The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) released a two-part study on Omnichannel Marketing that provides even more insights for exhibit marketers going forward. (See the graphic below for highlights.)

But here’s the spoiler alert: It’s not an either/or marketing strategy! I’ve been saying for years that trade shows should be a part of your overall marketing strategy (including digital, or “virtual”), not a separate category altogether. In fact, I really love the term “Omnichannel Marketing” – let’s stick with that strategy going forward!

CEIR Omnichannel Marketing infographic
(Infographic courtesy of CEIR)
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