Make Your Exhibit Like a Supermarket in the Subway

Someone recently told me about this video featuring a company in South Korea who has created a supermarket in the subway. The key to the store’s success is their use of QR codes. In case you’re not familiar with them, they’re little bar code-like squares that are popping up everywhere from print ads to packaging to business cards. The way they work is that you snap a photo on your smart phone, which takes you to a link or some other kind of information embedded in the code. Although they’re not yet mainstream in the U.S., they’ve been popular in Asia for quite a few years already.

Anyway, the subway supermarket works in a way I think trade show marketers could really make use of the codes. They’ve created full-size banners that look like store shelves and have a code for each product, so commuters can scan and add to their shopping list while they wait on the platform. Exhibitors could have codes in their displays so attendees could snap them and be taken to an online product demo, extended brochure, video tour of their facility, or just about anything else you can dream up!

Check out the video to see for yourself! And if you have an idea for how to use the codes, please leave that in the comments below.


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