Build a Better Trade Show Image Week: Staff

TS-Image-Wk-banner-2014Build a Better Trade Show Image Week was established in 1999 as a time for exhibit marketers to focus on their marketing strategy. Three years later, I published a book with the same name. This year, I’m marking the occasion with a collection of classic tips right here on the Trade Show Insights blog. Each day, we’re focusing on a different stage of your planning strategy. And none of these is more critical to your success than today’s topic – the people who staff your booth.

What Makes a Good Booth Staffer? (podcast)

The Challenge of Using Salespeople as Booth Staff

The Importance of Exhibitor Education (podcast)

Pssst! Your Behavior is Showing!

Exhibit Personalities

What’s your greatest booth staff success story? Please share in the comments below.


Have you seen the updated edition of Build a Better Trade Show Image?Click here to learn more