Weekly Insights: Event Badges that Make Connections

old-tradeshow-badgesFor years, event badges haven’t really changed. Oh sure, the process of printing them has been automated, and the plastic badge holders may have gone away, but the badges themselves remained a piece of paper with name, company name, city and perhaps a few other bits of information on them.

But at a recent gathering of techies in Seattle, the badges came to life.

At the Seattle GeekWire Startup Day, attendees received LiGo smart badges. Then using the mobile app, they created profiles of themselves and who they were wanting to meet at the event. When a nearby match was detected, the badge lit up. What a great way to overcome that “I know there are people here I should meet, but finding them is like a needle in a haystack” feeling! There were a total of 9,459 matches made at the event … which, by the way, only had about 600 attendees.

To read a complete review of how the badges worked, check out this article on the Event Manager Blog.

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