Weekly Insights: Getting Sales & Marketing Working Together

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It’s a long-time complaint from exhibit marketers: after spending days working hard on the show floor, they hand over the leads to the sales department and nothing happens. But the sales team complains that the booth staff didn’t do a good job of qualifying, and following up with all those non-leads wastes their time.

So what’s the solution?

According to an infographic designed by InsideView, there are three primary challenges to be addressed:

  1. Communication: Nearly half of those surveyed agree this is the primary issue. Things will run smoother once everyone is more aware of what the other side needs (and what they don’t want) in order to accomplish their goals.
  2. Broken processes: Once an understanding develops between the two teams, regularly scheduled meetings should be held to collaborate and keep the process moving.
  3. Disconnected metrics: A big part of the problem is that Marketing focuses on brand awareness, while Sales wants to close the deal as quickly as possible. All of this must be factored into the lead management process.

Winning teams overcome these challenges by working together, focusing on lead quality over quantity, and integrating leads into a nurturing system. See this second infographic from InsideView for more details on what leaders do.

How have you developed a lead management process that combines both Sales and Marketing teams? Please share in the comments.

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