But there’s one aspect of future shows that’s getting very little attention these days.
So on this week’s Virtual Lunch, I invited Mel White from Classic Exhibits to provide insights on how exhibitors will need to adapt their exhibits as shows reopen. You’ll discover ideas for:
- Accommodating traffic flow restrictions
- Implementing tech tools
- Adapting your booth layout for each show
- Incorporating lessons learned from virtual shows
Here are links to items mentioned in the interview:
- Trade Show Design Challenges in a Post-COVID World (Mel’s article)
- Adapting Exhibits for the (Near) Future
- Classic Exhibits
About Mel White:

Early in his career, Mel worked for two different exhibit design firms. Then he briefly left the industry for a career in technology, only to be drawn back to the trade show world. For the past 16 years, he’s been with Classic Exhibits, and now serves as their Vice President of Marketing and Business Development. He is a strong advocate for his customers, Classic distributors, and the trade show industry as a whole.
[00:00:00.650] - Marlys Arnold
You're listening to the Trade Show Insights podcast, Season 15, Episode 18.
[00:00:19.780] - Marlys Arnold
I'm your host, and exhibit marketing strategist, Marlys Arnold bringing you tools to improve your exhibit results. On today's episode, brought to you by the Exhibit Marketers Cafe, we've got a rebroadcast of our Virtual Lunch with Mel White from Classic Exhibits talking about how to adapt and redesign your exhibits for the post COVID world.
[00:01:02.680] - Marlys Arnold
I've known Mel for a long time, we've worked on a number of different projects together, and a lot of you I know know Mel as well.He's been a voice in the industry for a long time. He's very well connected in the industry and he is currently the vice president of marketing and business development for Classic Exhibits. But I found out today, actually, that he worked for two other exhibit design manufacturers before that. And then he took some time off. He left the industry and went into the tech world, but he couldn't resist and he came back. So anyway, so Mel White is here today and we are going to talk about designing exhibits as we go forward. So, Mel, welcome to. Well, I can't say welcome to Virtual Lunch, but welcome to the camera side of Virtual Lunch.
[00:01:55.450] - Mel White
Well, thank you very much, Marlys. And did you know more or less that your show is one of the highlights of my week every week?
[00:02:03.100] - Marlys Arnold
Really? Well, thank you. Yeah. You know, it's fun. I've been hearing that from a lot of people. And so that's you know, that's one reason I've kept it going. I actually looked it up and today is show number twenty nine. So, yeah. So we've been doing this since March and we're going to keep going. I don't know if I can keep doing it every week, but we'll we'll definitely keep it going. So anyway. But thank you. That's very cool to hear so.
[00:02:30.040] - Marlys Arnold
Well Mel, the reason I invited you on. Well other than the fact that you are a regular to Virtual Lunch and I've known you a long time and we always have a good conversation, but you recently wrote an article that was on LinkedIn and Alan's going to actually share that link. But you were talking about how exhibits are going to need to change going forward.
[00:02:53.160] - Marlys Arnold
And I thought you brought out some really good points and some things I hadn't thought of before, and then I also did a blog and podcast episode earlier this summer on adapting exhibits. And I thought, you know, there's a lot there's a lot of a lot of things people really aren't talking about. You know, I mean, I'm kind of surprised that there's not more people there's a lot of discussion on the show hall side and how the show floor is going to to change and adapt. But there's not a lot of discussion on the exhibitor side. And first of all, why do you think that is? Why do you think nobody's really talking about it?
[00:03:30.000] - Mel White
I think part of it is just the unknown is that we're just so focused right now on the exhibit hall and GBAC and those kind of things that people haven't made that leap forward. And that's not to say that exhibit designers haven't. And really, this whole article was prompted by one of our distributors who asked us, what do you think will change? And I'm not an exhibit designer, but what I did is I reached out internally to our exhibit designers and to others in the industry. And the messaging was pretty consistent across the board as far as what they thought would change in exhibit design. But they also recognize that there's a lot of known and there's a great deal of unknown that's out there.
[00:04:13.050] - Marlys Arnold
Well, that's true. Yeah, and that's the thing. I mean, we're all shooting in the dark here. I mean, whether it's a showfloor side or the exhibitor side, none of us know for sure. But there are some things that we can definitely start looking at and getting prepared for. Right?
[00:04:28.440] - Mel White
We can. And so so let's just take a moment and let's play a little game. All right.
[00:04:32.890] - Marlys Arnold
[00:04:33.540] - Mel White
All right. So the part that we know is we know the show hall portion. At least we know some of those knowns. All right. So I'm going to name one of those knowns and then then if you can name one of those knowns after that and start it with, "we know that". All right.
[00:04:48.760] - Marlys Arnold
[00:04:49.610] - Mel White
First we know that there'll be temperature checks at the entrance of the the show hall.
[00:04:58.230] - Marlys Arnold
We know that there will be wider aisles.
[00:05:01.660] - Mel White
Exactly. We also know that there will be hand sanitizers throughout the the exhibit hall.
[00:05:08.650] - Marlys Arnold
Yes, we know that there will be a lot more signage and markings of where to be.
[00:05:16.870] - Mel White
Yes, we know that there will probably be touchless registration for the exhibit or for the show.
[00:05:25.190] - Marlys Arnold
And we know that there will be socially distanced. What are we going to say? Positioning of everything.
[00:05:40.790] - Mel White
So we know, that there is likely, depending on the number of attendees who were who are showing up, that they'll be scheduled as far as when they can be there and when they can't be there. So not everyone is attending at the same time.
[00:05:54.050] - Marlys Arnold
Mm hmm. And we know that there will be one way entrance and one way exits.
[00:05:59.940] - Mel White
And we know that there will probably be a series of safety barriers or dividers somewhere within the exhibit hall to kind of steer people down a certain path in addition to simply having more signage.
[00:06:11.610] - Marlys Arnold
Right. Right. So I don't know what else we know.
[00:06:16.350] - Mel White
Well we know that masks will be required.
[00:06:18.420] - Marlys Arnold
Oh, yes. Yes, that's a given. OK.
[00:06:21.870] - Mel White
So knowing that knowing what we know from that, how does that translate into the exhibit design itself? So when an exhibit designer is looking at the booth, what does that mean for for him or her as far as looking at the booth? I think the obvious one is some of the obvious. First one is obviously going to be hand sanitizers within the exhibit itself. Right. In addition to what's on the show floor.
[00:06:49.110] - Mel White
But. Hand sanitizers are kind of ugly. They're not very effective you know, so if you have them in your booth and if you're an exhibit designer, how do you have them in the booth but minimize the visual impact of those of those hand sanitizers in there. And I think some of it is it has be visible. But you can do vinyl, you can do things so that it blends in with the theme of the exhibit itself. You can put it on counters or put it lower on counters so that it is accessible. But it's not sitting like right in the middle of the booth itself. Right.
[00:07:28.820] - Marlys Arnold
Right. And blending it in with the design. So it's not just here's a hand sanitizer.
[00:07:34.130] - Mel White
Exactly. So you have like trafficking within the show hall. Will you have some kind of one way entrances and one way exits within the booth itself? Well, that's probably a little difficult on inlines, but it it probably isn't unfeasible for island exhibits for them to start using them. So there's really only one way to come in and one way the entrance and then kind of a path to lead them through to maximize it. Would you think that that would be kind of one of the things they would be thinking of?
[00:08:07.190] - Marlys Arnold
Yeah, that's where I would assume that this would be going. And we've got some participation from the audience here. Chuck says, we know there will initially be smaller footprints. And I want to kind of adapt that a little bit to where it may not be smaller booth footprints, but it will be less like a less stuff in the booth. So, like, if somebody usually has a 10 by 30, they may still have a 10 by 30, but it's going to be scaled very differently.
[00:08:38.210] - Mel White
Yes, I think there'll be absolutely less congestion, less less items within the booth itself so that there's more room, more social distancing in the booth itself. You know, one of the things that that I think of is I think of when I visit EuroShop, I don't know, eight or nine years ago and one of the exhibit halls within EuroShop was a mannequin. It was solely devoted to mannequins. And I had no idea that there was a massive industry about mannequin in the mannequin design.
[00:09:10.380] - Mel White
There was such a competitive industry that when you went into that hall, all the exhibits had curtains around every single booth. And there was only one way to get into the booth and one way to get out of the booth. And they made it very exclusive. I can se, I can see the exhibit designs having some kind of exclusive element that as far as invitations and as far as time, that the only time you can go into that booth is when you have an appointment at a certain time with a certain person.
[00:09:43.370] - Marlys Arnold
And I have seen over the years, I have seen a few exhibitors that have executed that really well and more like kind of like a movie theater environment where they had literally had the red rope and you had to line up and and then you were let in at a certain time. And, yeah, people couldn't just wander through. So, yeah, when it's done right, it can be very effective. So a couple of other things we have here. Kenji wonders, do we know that there will be wider aisles? Well, I guess that's still kind of up in the air. But I know the few shows that have been happening, I believe, have had for the most part, had wider aisles.
[00:10:17.780] - Mel White
I don't think there's really I think when you look at it practically, it'll have to be white or else we've all gone into the supermarket where they've tried to enforce one way aisles and it doesn't really work. People ignore it. People don't really pay attention to it. Even with the signage there, the wider, wider aisles where people can kind of monitor themselves is probably more practical.
[00:10:40.430] - Marlys Arnold
And Al says, we know there will be less attendees, which, Mel, you shared with me an article this morning, a quote that was I thought was very good about there will be less attendees, but they will be very I forget what the word was, but very serious and very diligent attendees that are there. So, you know, as I always tell exhibitors, it's like less attendees doesn't always mean a bad thing. Sometimes it's just that, you know, you get rid of all the fluff.
[00:11:05.450] - Mel White
I think, well, certainly the physical attendees will be much more focused, but that doesn't mean there will be fewer attendees when you roll in the virtual part of it. Most of the shows will actually have more attendees, I think, over time than they've had in the past. When you combine the physical folks that are there and the virtual folks who are also attending assuming,
[00:11:26.060] - Marlys Arnold
no doubt
[00:11:27.110] - Mel White
assuming that experience improves over time.
[00:11:29.960] - Marlys Arnold
Yeah, yeah. Well, and that's what the shows that are are going virtual this year finding is that they've got a lot more people registering than what they have in the past because so many people that couldn't physically come to the show are still able to attend. Boy the comments are flying and fast here, Rama says, do you think allowing full capacity registration but requiring attendance in shifts for the showfloor will require more show days to allow people to actually see all the exhibitors they need to see, I actually have seen that for some of the shows that are still planning on doing face to face, I've seen some that have extended from like three days to four or something because they are wanting to allow people that. Just time and distance, I guess you could call it, I don't know what you call it.
[00:12:14.910] - Mel White
Yeah, I wonder how that worked though with the educational portion of it. I mean, do you extend the educational portion of it, you know, certainly in our show, like ExhibitorLive, where people are there and trying to get their accreditation, or do you limit that to the same number of days? And that becomes your time slot for when you can actually go to the show and everybody else goes to other times.
[00:12:39.990] - Marlys Arnold
Yeah, yeah. It's going to be interesting to see how these come together. She's got a follow up here. If making the showfloor appointments becomes a must without open entrance for us smaller exhibitors, I think we'll see a whole lot more outboarding, pre and post show. Well, yeah, that it's going to be a challenge to figure out how this is all going to fit together and and be as fair as possible, I think.
[00:13:07.740] - Mel White
Well, I think one of the things that that that isn't being talked about, aside from touchless registration and certainly the the heat sensors, is the change in technology, because that's going to be much more rapid than it has been in the past. And you and I talked a few days ago Marlys about, if you remember, eight or nine years ago, we all talked about QR codes and QR codes went nowhere, right?
[00:13:33.090] - Marlys Arnold
[00:13:33.450] - Mel White
that was going to be the thing, for QR codes are probably going to to kind of come back to life and you're going to see QR codes everywhere where people use their own devices to get the information and not have to rely on somebody else.
[00:13:48.070] - Marlys Arnold
[00:13:48.750] - Mel White
Any of this of kind of touchless technologies are going to be much more prevalent.
[00:13:53.430] - Marlys Arnold
Right. And Kenji responds to Al and Rama, maybe this means more flexible, open hours for convention centers and venues. Yeah, and well and right now they don't have a backlog of events, so they probably have a little more flexibility in their schedules. Kevin, who you know quite well now, Kevin Garnett from Classic says Less exhibits overall might lead to more island rentals out of the gate since they are affordable but still allow for a bigger presence on a more spaced out showfloor. I have wondered if more exhibitors would go to just like even the small islands, just so that the exhibits themselves can be socially distanced from each other. Your thoughts?
[00:14:34.670] - Mel White
Yes, I think that I think that's a good point. But I think you're going to see, at least for the first year or two, a lot of people will choose rentals simply because, as Kevin said, it's a more affordable option and it's their way of kind of testing the waters of seeing what is it going to be like? Is the show going to be successful? I'm not going to make a huge investment, but I can make a rental investment in the show, whether it's an inline or an island and see how that works. So, you know, rentals were increasing at double digit rates anyway. But now, post COVID, I if I had to guess half the exhibits on the show floor post COVID will be rentals, easily rentals.
[00:15:14.840] - Marlys Arnold
Wow. Wow. It'll be interesting to follow that prediction and see how close you are. And Kenji brings up another good point. We know there will be expectations of virtual participation opportunities. So, you know, you and I talked about that the other day about how the the lessons learned in virtual are now going to be brought onto the show floor. And everybody who's been ranting and raving about oh virtual is just not the same. And it's like, yeah, but there's pieces that can definitely be enhanced. Ya know make help enhance a booth.
[00:15:48.740] - Mel White
Yes. And and in the booth space itself, there's only so much information you can convey to someone. But in the virtual world, you have your entire catalog, you have all the products, you have all the services, you have everything. Every single video you've ever made can be within the virtual element. You cannot share them in the booth itself. So if you can somehow blend the actual physical booth itself with the actual virtual for those people who are doing it, it'll be I think in the long run it will be a much better experience for attendees. And not only because during the three or four days of the show, but the three hundred and sixty five days of the entire year where they can have it will be curious if show organizers really keep that portal open for longer than the show, if they keep that portal open for months and months and months so that exhibitors really can harvest leads for the entire year instead of just during that very short timeframe.
[00:16:44.750] - Marlys Arnold
Well, and it's been interesting to see how different shows are taking different approaches, like I'm participating in a show next month that they are going to leave theirs open till the end of January. There was one this summer that left theirs open till the end of the summer. But then after Labor Day, they switched it over to where it's a benefit for their, it's an association, so it's a benefit for their paid members. And then anybody else could pay to have access for the whole year to the platform.
[00:17:14.180] - Marlys Arnold
And and the thing is that it's not just when they do that, then it can't just be the show pieces, it's got, there's got to be stuff that's added and changed. And so that particular show is also doing different webinars and things throughout the year so that they've still got that engagement to get people involved. But I've been trying to tell show organizers this for a decade. You know, why not? Why why limit your show to four days, you know, have it be at least semi participatory all year round.
[00:17:42.590] - Mel White
So you have another question.
[00:17:45.530] - Marlys Arnold
Well, Rama says that she's doing a lot more with QR codes now because it's so much easier now that they're built into almost every mobile device. And I know it's true. I don't even have to wake my phone up. I just turn on the camera, shoot the code, and it immediately says, oh, it recognizes it.
[00:17:59.960] - Marlys Arnold
So, Chuck says designing booths with size flexibility will now be key. The ability to add on and expand as restrictions lighten up is something to think about, which again goes back to that rental idea that they can adapt from one show to the next as far as things or as the city changes because the regulations will be different.
[00:18:21.860] - Mel White
And will North American regulations remain the same? That's another key is we've all been restricted by North American regulations as opposed to Asian or European. Will show organisers, will general show contractors be forced to modify those regulations because of COVID, because of the ability of people wanting to be in the aisle and not being in the booth itself. One of the things that I thought of is will it change graphics? We always think of graphics as built into our industry. You. You don't want to the clutter, you just want a big message, and that kind of sparks a conversation. But if people aren't coming in your booth as much and you have to convey a lot of details, do those graphics become more granular than they have in the past? I don't know.
[00:19:12.590] - Marlys Arnold
Yeah. Or is there a way to blend the two where you've still got. The big graphic, but then you've got and I know you guys are great at this of having, like, the little pop out, you know, signage as well. And then Al says companies will use what they learned from experimenting with virtual events and apply their learnings to enhance their physical events.
[00:19:32.945] - Mel White
That's a great point.
[00:19:33.620] - Marlys Arnold
OK, well, that's that's the quote of the week here. I think that is so key. It's like, you know, everybody needs to stop complaining about virtual and start learning from it and incorporating the best pieces of it. And I've seen some events that have done, you know, bang up job with virtual. So it is possible to really make it creative. And, you know, you actually brought out the other day one of the ideas that you had about bringing virtual onto the show floor. You want to share that?
[00:20:04.180] - Mel White
So you're going to prompt me on,
[00:20:05.980] - Marlys Arnold
oh, about the videos?
[00:20:09.730] - Mel White
Oh, you know, I've worried for years and people have heard me say this before that, you know, as as video and the video becomes much more prominent as an exhibit builder, should we be worried at some point that a ten by ten booth is simply a ten by ten video wall or a 10 by 20 video or an island? Because as if the video can be sophisticated and entertaining, you're really communicating all the information that you have for that in that video wall. Now, videos have gotten kind of a bad rap because what's on the showfloor so bad typically, but that doesn't mean that videos are bad. But I think there will be a much higher utilization of video walls in the booth space as they try to communicate without the touch element.
[00:21:00.040] - Marlys Arnold
Well, and as you said, the bar is going to be set much higher. I mean, if somebody is going to do a video wall, they better do it right or or it's going to become a sea of video walls and only the best will get any attention.
[00:21:13.370] - Mel White
Exactly. So it'll be a it'll be a show hall of YouTube videos, all competing for eyeballs.
[00:21:25.390] - Marlys Arnold
Yeah, that's the stuff of nightmares right now. I think we better do some really serious educating with people before we turn them loose on that. Well, Mel, I know we covered a lot of different topics. We got a lot of great discussion from the audience. Any other points that we things that we forgot to bring up,so far?
[00:21:47.080] - Mel White
The only other things that people need to think about and and Rama will really kind of key into this is storage. Because there has to be a place for all these hygiene products that we're expected to have in the booth and wipe down that exhibit designers and exhibitors need to think about storage much more so than they have in the past. So that is one. But it's something to really think about.
[00:22:13.060] - Marlys Arnold
Yeah, that's true. Yeah, because there's going to be a lot of different things and we haven't even gotten into the whole cleaning aspect side of things. So that's another thing that the exhibitors need to definitely get up to speed on, Rama says, how do you see small exhibitors with very limited staff handling a hybrid show on the virtual side of it? The people in front of you have to come first, but how do we handle our virtual visitors?
[00:22:34.420] - Mel White
I think most the virtual visitors will be the people, the virtual exhibitors will be back home. They'll be the employee back in the office interacting with them within chat or being able to send them PDFs or other information or communicating to the staff on the show floor to let them know they've got someone waiting and so that they can then they can kind of switch over to actual live presentation as opposed to the virtual. I think there will be a lot more coordination. There'll have to be coordination between the home team and the team on the showfloor itself.
[00:23:08.560] - Marlys Arnold
Well, and I know as far as the event that I'm doing next month, the way some of the exhibitors is, of course, this one is all virtual, but the way some of the exhibitors are going to handle it is they're actually going to be because it's a retail type show. So they're going to be in their stores. And so their virtual booth is just going to be their camera on in their store. So, you know, maybe as they're ringing somebody up in the store, they're actually talking to that person. And are actually kind of talking to the person in the virtual booth as well. And, you know, so it would be more like that experience where everybody feels like they're all in the booth at the same time. So,
[00:23:44.020] - Mel White
Yes, so imagine being imagine standing in front of it that that small booth space and the person saying. So can you tell me a little more clearly how that product works? And it switches over to a video of someone in the factory who is actually in real time explaining how that product works, showing it being turned on some of the features that are happening that you didn't have to have in the booth. And it's not a video. It's just a real time presentation. Obviously, that means that bandwidth has to increase significantly within the halls. But if they can manage that, there's no reason you can't have that kind of coordination between what's happening on the show, on the show floor, in the virtual world and in real time.
[00:24:26.590] - Marlys Arnold
Yeah, and Rama I get it. She says, I don't have employees back in the office. I'm truly a small company where it's just me. I get that. So we're just going to have but, you know, Rama, we entrepreneurs, we're scrappy and we're creative and innovative. And I know we can all figure out ways that we can make this work so and probably better than some of the big companies, honestly.
[00:24:47.770] - Marlys Arnold
So, you know, again, it's it's another one of those things where I keep telling people, take time or take the take advantage of the time now to figure these kinds of things out and think, you know, that's why I wanted to have this discussion, because, you know, it's not it's not like you've got to have a booth ready to go next week, you've got some time, so figure it out and get really creative. And then we've got another comment from Kevin.
[00:25:15.020] - Marlys Arnold
Number one lesson learned the past six months from client feedback. Virtual exhibits are great digital marketing tool for off the showfloor uses. Virtual shows overall have lots of issues to overcome, but the virtual exhibits are turning into great winners for markets to use in other avenues. Yes, yes. And that's what I'm trying to tell people all the time, is like this is something this is a new tool. This is something that we have that we can actually use in whatever manner. So,
[00:25:47.090] - Mel White
But the key to that is that virtual exhibit has to be portable in the sense that
[00:25:52.280] - Marlys Arnold
[00:25:53.300] - Mel White
it will be mobile from show to show and the the the client has to be able to control that experience and control that that software or that you are URL. If that virtual exhibit is tied to a show and can only be used at that show, they're at a disadvantage. And they need to push back of the show as far as far as having the ability to have a virtual exhibit that's not like exclusively through that experience.
[00:26:18.530] - Marlys Arnold
Well, and the thing I told I just taught an Exhibitor Workshop for a virtual show last week, and one thing I told them was, you know, I had checked out a lot of their websites ahead of time. And I said, you guys have assets already. They had great video. They had some case study videos, they had testimonials. They had, you know, tours of their factories or whatever. Exhibitors need to just start compiling a list of all their assets and, you know, the virtual booth or the virtual booth tours or whatever is one of those assets. So compile all those assets and then the next time you've got a virtual show coming up that you need things to put in your virtual booth, you've got all of that ready to go and you just pick and pull and figure out what's going to be the best for that audience. So.
[00:27:01.850] - Mel White
Well, and the great thing is that there is there's a level playing field between the company that does revenue of 30 million and the company that does revenue of three hundred million. At this point, there is a level playing field and those companies that are the most creative are going to win that battle.
[00:27:18.410] - Marlys Arnold
And Rama says plug for Classic Exhibits and my pals at Northwest Exhibits, you have absolutely awesome virtual exhibits.
[00:27:25.310] - Mel White
Thank you very much Rama.
[00:27:26.780] - Marlys Arnold
So there you go. And then also back to that Rama what you said earlier about being a small exhibitor. Those of us that are, you know, a soloprenuer with a 10 by 10, we have a level playing field as well in the virtual platform because some of the smaller exhibitors I've seen really knock it out of the park because, again, they got very creative. So, you know, I think the potential is so huge going forward. I know that we're all just like, you know, we're like. Pacing to get started, you know, like I'm not a horse racer, but, you know, like the horse getting ready to start the race, you know, the adrenaline and everything, that's how we feel. But it's like, let's get it all put together and get a plan mapped out. So, Mel, thank you so much for joining us for this. I mean, I know we could go on talking for a long time. Maybe we'll bring you back for another Virtual Lunch and we'll continue. But thanks to everybody for joining us today. Mel, you always you know, you spark so many great ideas. I really appreciate you being a part of our discussion today and being our guest.
[00:28:30.280] - Mel White
Well, thank you, Marlys. And for the group out there, there's never been a better time to hit the reset button in our industry and change some things that have been bothering you and bothering all of us for years and years and years. This is the perfect opportunity to make it better for everyone.
[00:28:47.660] - Marlys Arnold
Yes, yes. As I keep saying, take advantage of the great pause.
[00:28:57.850] - Marlys Arnold
You can find all the links mentioned during our interview in this episode's show notes at TradeShowInsights.com. And if you'd like to join us for an upcoming weekly Virtual Lunch, you'll find information on that at ExhibitMarketersCafe.com/lunch.
[00:29:24.500] - Marlys Arnold
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[00:29:59.280] - Marlys Arnold
To learn more, please see the link in the sidebar. The show notes at TradeShowInsights.com. Well, that's it for this episode of Trade Show Insights. Be sure to check out our show notes and archives at TradeShowInsights.com. You can also connect with me using the social media links or the contact page on the site.
[00:30:20.280] - Marlys Arnold
I'm Marlys Arnold. Thanks for listening and be sure to join us next time for more tools to improve your exhibit results.
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