Weekly Insights: Walk a Mile (or 20) in These Shoes

Walk a Mile (or 20) in These Shoes

Every trade show requires an incredible amount of walking, whether you’re exhibiting or simply attending. Are you up for it?

That’s an particularly relevant question now, after many may have spent the past two years working from home. All that walking may come as a big shock to the feet.

I’ve always joked that if I could invent the ideal trade show shoe, I would be a millionaire! So while finding the perfect shoe may be an impossible dream, there are definitely some that are better than others.

Here’s an article and slide show from MeetingsNet with first-hand suggestions for ladies’ shoes (sorry boys, guess you’re on your own). Plus I wrote a previous post on a list of recommendations from a podiatrist.

Do you have a favorite shoe you wear for every trade show? Please share in the comments so we can all save our feet!

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